Our Professional Design Services Include:
A free initial design meeting held at the home of the clients to discuss their needs and desires pertaining to the contemplated project including:
View the home and/or property with respect to it’s design potential, solar orientation, views, neighbouring homes and architectural style.
Discuss solutions, ideas and design concepts.
Give an estimate for the design work to be undertaken.
Answer any questions you might have regarding the project and the terms of engaging KB Design.
Please note: There is no charge for this meeting and there is no obligation.
Documenting the property and gathering pertinent data, including taking full measurements, taking photographs and arranging a site survey for clients when necessary.
Researching municipal by-laws pertaining to the set-backs, floor space and footprint ratios, height, zoning restrictions and land use.
Preparing preliminary design drawings including floor plans and elevations. These designs are drawn in 3D modeling format.
Meetings with the clients to review and refine the preliminary design drawings.
Preparing full working drawings and providing blue prints.
Consulting as required to facilitate the clear communication of design intention between client and builder and/or the municipality.
The guarantee that our working drawings will comply with the current British Columbia Building Code and will pass municipal by-law criteria for the issuance of a building permit.